H. Moser versus Apple Watch

The Apple Watch was announced by Tim Cook on 9 September 2014, and it immediately sent shivers through the spines of everyone involved in the mechanical watch industry, in particular in Switzerland. This was understandable, because in the 1970s, the introduction of cheap quartz watches from Japan and the United States put about two-thirds of…

Are Swiss watches getting smarter?

Apple’s ambitions to enter the luxury sector with its Apple watch, one of the versions of which has a gold case like a traditional high-end watch, seems to have got the classic watch brands thinking. The quartz crisis is still a painful memory, and its destruction of about two-thirds of Switzerland’s watchmaking companies was due…

Why the Apple Watch will never be a luxury product

There has been a lot of talk about the Apple Watch following its presentation on Monday 9 March 2015, and in particular about the 18-carat gold Apple Watch Edition whose price starts at $10,000. At first sight, that sort of price puts it into the luxury product bracket, where Apple would like to be. The…

Where are smart watches going?

While the world patiently awaits for the arrival of the Apple Watch, whose release date is rumoured to be March 2015, other brands are launching their own versions of smart watches that relay a range of information from your phone to your wrist. “We have one more thing,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook at the…

Ten good things about the Apple Watch

Yesterday, 9th September 2014, Apple presented their Apple Watch, with a video with commentary by Jony Ive (Senior VP, Design, at Apple). There’s lots of good stuff. I think it will work well on the market. The pre-launch gossip included the phrase “Switzerland are worried about the iWatch.”  I don’t think that’s the case. But…