Montblanc TimeWalker ExoTourbillon Minute Chronograph

Montblanc TimeWalker ExoTourbillon Minute Chronograph

This watch by Montblanc, reference 112587, takes the sporty, accessible TimeWalker collection, mixes it with the sophisticated ExoTourbillon, adds the brand’s monopusher chronograph with semicircular counters, and blends it all with the latest high-tech materials. The result is a visually-satisfying watch with dynamic looks, one of the most surprising watches to be seen at the…

Montblanc 4810 ExoTourbillon Slim 110 Years Editions

Montblanc has created three limited editions of the ExoTourbillon Slim, with hand-painted maps. The editions are of North America (36 watches), Asia (38 watches) and Europe (36 watches), so that in total there 110 watches, celebrating the brand’s 110th anniversary. The watch itself is basically the same as the 4810 ExoTourbillon Slim, with its new…

Montblanc 4810 ExoTourbillon Slim

Montblanc 4810 ExoTourbillon Slim

Montblanc has now completed its set of watch families and from this year begins a process of consolidation, reinterpreting existing models. But this doesn’t mean that the brand is resting on its laurels: just in the 4810 range, this year there are three new in-house movements, accompanied by a lot of design work. The new…

Gentian wood and the Montblanc ExoTourbillon Rattrapante

For its watches, Montblanc operates from two manufacturing units, one in Le Locle, and one in Villeret, near Neuchatel. The second is a traditional building, filled with traditional machinery, in which watchmakers still make timepieces by hand, performing just about all operations, including construction of the balance springs, by hand. Montblanc’s racier and more youthful…