Watches Of Italy Tortona 2021

Watches Of Italy 2021, conclusions and impressions

The second edition of Watches Of Italy, held on 25 and 26 September 2021 in Tortona, can be considered a notable success and a welcome step towards normality after two difficult years. The event was underscored by a positive atmosphere, reinforced by the notable quality of the watches on show, and facilitated by the seamless…

Meccaniche Veneziane Nereide Dante 700 white

Top 15 watches at Watches Of Italy 2021

The second edition of Watches Of Italy, held in Tortona on 25 and 26 September 2021, showcased the notable energy and creativity of Italy’s brands and microbrands. Here is our selection of 15 highlights at Watches Of Italy, in ascending price order. 1. Fumagazzi Spritz For Fumagazzi, watches are a constant source of entertainment, and…